Training ethical, relational, multiculturally-competent, psychologists and therapists who are equipped for individual, couples, and group therapy.
Welcome to the Chicago Counseling Collective Training Page! The CCC Postdoctoral Fellowship and LPC Training Program provides recent graduates of counseling psychology, clinical psychology, and community mental health doctoral and masters programs with training and supervision to become a licensed psychologist or licensed clinical professional counselor.
We believe that postgraduate training is an important developmental transition from trainee to professional. We view supervisees as being early in their career, yet advanced in clinical training. Thus, supervisees are viewed, and approached, as valued and collaborative members of the CCC staff.
The training program is designed to enhance existing, generalist clinical skills for treating a wide variety of presenting concerns among diverse, private practice clients, while also supporting supervisees’ development of clinical specialties in niche populations. In addition to weekly individual supervision with a licensed psychologist or licensed clinical professional counselor, CCC provides supervisees with specialized training in couples therapy and in interpersonal-process and modern analytic group therapies. Supervisees participate in bi-weekly group supervision with exposure to a modern analytic group therapy model and bi-weekly experiential training group with a seasoned group facilitator, as well as bi-weekly couples therapy supervision and a weekly professional development seminar.
Racial, cultural, and individual diversity are an integral component of the CCC training curriculum, supervision, and clinical experience. Our training program also aims to support the growth of supervisees in their consultation with colleagues, personal-professional integration, engagement with the community, and use of supervision/training seminars.
Overall, emphasis is placed on advancing clinical skills, enhancing reflexivity, solidifying a professional identity, expanding cultural competence, and obtaining hours for licensure. For additional information regarding the CCC Postdoctoral Fellowship or LPC Training Program, download our comprehensive job description.
Applications for the 2025 training cohort are currently being accepted. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the positions are filled. To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references to Dr. Heather Frank, PsyD, at: drhfrank@chicagocounselingcollective.com
CCC Training Values:
· Developmental model
· Self-awareness and reflexivity
· Connection; therapeutic, collegial, and supervisory relationships
· Cultural humility
· Community engagement
· Social justice advocacy
· Lifelong learning and pursuit of growth
· Agency, flexibility, and empowerment
· Professionalism and ethics

Dr. Heather Frank, PsyD, CGP
Founder / Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Director of Clinical Training
Certified Group Psychotherapist
I have been a licensed psychologist in Illinois since 2014. My approach to supervision is psychodynamic, developmental, and relational in nature. I view the supervisory relationship as parallel to the therapeutic relationship. As a supervisor and clinician, I place high value on developing trust, safety, and attunement in supervision so that we can explore parallel processes, transference/countertransference dynamics, feeling/body states, in addition to identities in the room (both therapy and supervision) and systemic and cultural factors. To me, supervision is a place for all feelings and reactions to be explored and my hope is to meet each supervisee’s needs/goals for their training year and support their overall personal and professional growth. I also identify as a group therapist and enjoy integrating modern analytic group therapy into my supervision and consultation with supervisees.

Dr. Stephanie Dykema, PhD, SEP
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I have been a licensed psychologist in Illinois since 2018. I utilize an integrative, feminist-developmental approach to supervision. To me, this approach means I adapt supervision and training to each supervisee’s needs, developmental level, and training goals. I highly value fostering trust, authenticity, connection, and a balance of independence and support within the supervision relationship. My approach also means we use supervision to explore personal-professional integration, parallel processes, cultural identities (our own and clients), and dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression in the therapy space and within the supervision relationship. I especially enjoy fostering supervisee’s self-awareness, professional identity, social justice advocacy, and cultural-competence. I am excited to share my use of Relational-Cultural Theory, ACT, and Somatic Experiencing, as well as to learn from supervisee’s theoretical orientations and knowledge!

Dr. Kurt Stevens, PsyD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I have been a licensed psychologist in Illinois since 2015. My supervisory style is warm, personal, relational, transparent, collaborative, and exploratory. I believe that the supervisory relationship is salient to establishing a safe, trusting, open, and interconnected space, which helps to foster my supervisee’s clinical and professional awareness and growth. I generally conceptualize clients from a psychodynamic perspective (i.e., reflecting on, exploring, and discussing in supervision how a client’s past personal and relational experiences, current underlying motivations, and/or largely unconscious thoughts and feelings potentially relate to their current personal and interpersonal functioning). In supervision, I also value exploring and discussing clients’ attachment styles and personality dynamics and connecting them to transference/countertransference therapeutic reactions. In addition, since much of my therapeutic approach with clients relies upon my strong intuition, I offer space in supervision to assist supervisees with becoming more attuned to their own intuitive voice in their clinical work. I really enjoy being an integral part of my supervisees’ professional and clinical journey!

Dr. Jeremy Cohen, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I have been a licensed psychologist in Illinois since 2018. Before moving to Chicago, I was a licensed psychologist in Delaware between 2014 and 2018. My approach to supervision centers the supervisory relationship. I strive to create a safe, collaborative, and affirming space for supervisees to deepen their understanding of the therapeutic relationship, their clients, and themselves. I find it important to flexibly attend to our identities, intersecting contexts and systems, transference/countertransference, and parallel process. In addition, I take a developmental approach, meeting supervises where they are, helping them consolidate their own voice and approach to therapy, and supporting them in their professional identity development. I approach my own work from an integrative perspective, grounding it in core humanistic principles and incorporating developmental, multicultural, interpersonal/relational, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and mindfulness approaches.

Dr. Haley Braun, PsyD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I became a licensed psychologist in Illinois in 2023. In my clinical and supervisory work, I practice from a relational-cultural and psychodynamic perspective. What this means for me is that I value genuine connection and relationships with clients and supervisees alike. In the supervision space I believe that the identities and experiences of the client, supervisee, and supervisor are all present and that supervision tends to be richest when we attend to these multiple layers. I aim to create a space in supervision that feels safe, authentic, and collaborative so that, together, we can reflect on and explore transference and countertransference dynamics. I also incorporate a developmental approach to focus on the unique needs and goals of each supervisee.